8 September 2021
Castello di Miradolo
Screening in the Park | “Generation Greta”
OnWednesday 8 September, at 9.30 p.m., there will be an evening dedicated to the themes of sustainability and the well-being of the planet with the screening of the film “Generation Greta“, introduced at 8 p.m. by the Circolo Legambiente of Pinerolo in collaboration with theAssociazione Pensieri in Piazza.
Generation Greta– the movie:
- From Kenya to Ecuador, from France to the Philippines, nine young women, aged 12 to 23, are united by a common commitment: raising awareness about the climate emergency and, consequently, activism against the apathy of the political and corporate world. Through their testimonies and archival images, we get to the heart of demonstrations before courts, petitions presented at international conferences, and everything in their power to stop the devastation of the Planet and to promote radical change so that the environment and social justice become the top priority.
Free entrance with reservation required.